Linda Bacon Health at Every Size, Zaburzenia odżywiania
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//-->TheSurprisingTruthAboutYourWeightLinda Bacon, PhDBENBELLA BOOKS, INC.Dallas, TXThis book is for informational purposes only:Itis not intended to serve as asubstitute for professional medical advice. The author and publisher specifi-cally disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use ofany information contained in this book. A health care professional should beconsulted regarding your specific medical situation. Any product mentioned inthis book does not imply endorsement of that product by the author or pub-lisher.Copyright © 2008 byUndaBacon, PhDAdditional Materials© 2010 byUndaBacon, PhDAll rights reserved. No part of this book maybeused or reproduced in anymanner whatsoever wi.thou t written permission except in the case of brief quo-tations embodied in critical articles or reviews.S~NS~~L..ABenBella Books, Inc.6440 N. Central Expressway; Suite 503Dallas, TX 75206www.benbellabooks.comSend feedback to feedback@benbellabooks.comc.~~~\§.\&.Printed in the United States of America10987654321Ubrary of Congress Catalo!9-ng-in-Publication Data is available for this title.ISBN 978-1-935618-25-6Proofreading by Stacia Seaman, Emily Brown, and Yara AbuataCover design by Allison BardText design and composition by PerfecType, Nashville, TNIndexbyShoshana HurwitzPrinted by Bang PrintingDistributed by Perseus Distributionperseusdistribution.comTo place orders through Perseus Distribution:Tel: 800-343-4499Fax: 800-351-5073E-mail: orderentry@perseusbooks.comSignificant discounts for bulk sales are available. Please contact Glenn Yeffethat or (214) 750-3628.TABLE OF CONTENTSDedicationPrefaceIntroductionPart 1: Deconstructing WeightChapter 1: We're Wired to Maintain a Healthy WeightChapter 2: We're Emotionally StarvedChapter 3: We Resist Weight LossChapter 4: We're Eternally HungryChapter 5: We're Victims of Food PoliticsChapter 6: We're Victims of Fat PoliticsPart 2: Health atEverySizeChapter 7: The Story Behind the Health at Every Size ProgramChapter 8: Respect Yourself, Body and SoulChapter 9: Take Care of Your HungersChapter 10: Live WellChapter 11: Change Your TastesChapter 12: Solving the Weight "Problem"xviixix1911314367101123159161173193215235257AppendixAcknowledgmentsReferencesIndexAbout Linda Bacon, PhD271331335367373• XV.
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